Jun 11, 2008

A Video of Ema Li (click here)

This video was taken by a family that has just traveled to Vietnam to get their adorable baby girl and are now back home. We were able to contact them to get helpful information about traveling to Vietnam. They had actually taken some pictures of Ema and posted this video to help us with the long wait. Patience is not one of our best traits, but we are trusting in God that he will make time go by fast and that we will be united with Ema soon.

Jun 5, 2008


Today you are 1 year old! Happy Birthday baby girl!! We cannot stand not being able to see you on this special day. We pray everyday that the Lord allows us to travel soon. This wait is absolute torture!

Daddy's work had a surprise birthday party for you today and you got lots of toys, money for your savings account, and a pretty little dress. They had pizza and cake. Ema just a little longer and we will be there to get you. We can't wait!

We love you and hope you had an awesome birthday!
Mommy and Daddy